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Ambition Speed School 


Speed Development Process

1.  Assessment of athlete

2. Develop greatest limiting factor/bottleneck

3. Translate to straight line speed and sports specific movements

4. Express your development on playing field

5. Develop different traits continuously creating more speed, greater force output, and more sporting success


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What do we develop to make you the fastest and most athletically successful player on your sporting field?


Assessment and development of the athletes positioning of joints and limbs during movement, using 250 frames per second video

Stride Frequency

Development of how fast the athlete can move their limbs in running and sprinting motion through innervating the central nervous system and stimulation 

Power output
and elasticity 

The amount of force the athlete can put into the ground in the shortest amount of time, and the ability to rebound of the ground through stiffness and elasticity in the tendons and fascial system


Development of the peak force the athlete can generate specific to movement patterns encountered in their sport, both in and out of the weight room

Change of Direction

The ability to change direction in the most minimal amount of time possible - limiting how much time the athletes spend in deceleration before reaccelerating into another direction 

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Why is speed important in sports?

All sports are a collaboration of high speed movements, powerful cutting actions and the ability to do them efficiently and continuously

At Ambition Sports Performance

we work with you to define your sporting performance goals, assess your needs required to get you faster and more dynamic and prepare you for a successful career on and off the sporting field. 

Click on the bar to check out some of the success stories 

Soccer Game

A Program Designed to turn you into the fastest athlete on any field of play and a world class mover

Speed is a skill set and can be improved!

Speed is not just genetics, as once thought.

It has been scientifically proven numerous times that everyone can learn how to increase their running and change of direction speed and position the body mechanically to improve quickness and agility. 

The Ambition method is focused on the development of the nervous system, the focus on giving the body the NEED to change and develop, hence why I have developed genetically below average athletes to a point of being the fastest in the country in terms of pure top speed in team sports, at the range of 37+km/h. 

The program is veered towards all sports that require speed through foot speed, hand speed, hand - eye coordination, foot coordination, force output into the ground.


Sports that I Operate & Program with:                                               

  • Track & Field

  • Football (Soccer)

  • Rugby League

  • Netball

  • Basketball

  • Hockey

  • Gridiron

  • AFL

  • Fighters

  • Tennis

What is the method and process?

Assess and collect data

Firstly, I must find out the baseline of the athlete.

This starts in the form of testing the athlete in multiple traits that make up speed and explosive movement. Through a series of tests, I'll determine what level of ability the athlete is at which will give me an indicator of what is the bottleneck to the athlete's performance.

This is done through multiple exercise tests and 120FPS camera analysis that can push out over 20 different indicators of the athlete. 

- Force output per step

- Max sprint speed: maximum speed reached during a sprint in km/h

- L/R steps: right-left imbalance in percentage for injury prevention and prediction

- Floor contact time: mean contact time in second

- Contact time steps average contact time in s during the last step

- Total distance steps: total distance in m traveled calculated from the steps

- Instantaneous cadence: live data of cadence on the last steps in steps / min

- Average cadence: average cadence/turnover speed over all steps in steps / min

There is no guess work - pure data and numbers 

Create a strategy and plan​

After I assess the athlete, I go to the drawing board and create a strategy and plan for the athlete which will consist of what they are to do at home and what they will be doing with me for the upcoming training phase. 

​Get to work

Once the plan and process are developed, we then get to work, executing specific world class training methods. Balancing between the amount of stress needed to give to the nervous system to make a change for the results we are looking to obtain.


As we continue to progress the athlete in their training, we must measure performance indicators that are specific to the athlete’s sport.

Express and Realization Phase

We express the achievements we made from our training and specifically peak you for the season - to showcase and express your new speed and power.

While in-season we continue to develop specific traits and develop other body systems that's holding you back from becoming an even faster, more explosive and exciting athlete.

Recycling method.

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Soccer Game

Apply Now to start your process of becoming the fastest athlete on your field of play!

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